Dr. Kristina Obermoser
Dr. Kristina Obermoser (née Siorpaes)
After finishing my studies at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg, I started as an intern for internal medicine at the hospital of St. Johann in Tirol. I started gathering experience in aesthetic medicine at the University Hospital of Innsbruck and continued working in that field at Charité in Berlin, at the department for orthopedics and traumatology.
For two years, I used to work at a center specialized on pain treatment where I could amplify my experience in acupuncture and TCM.
In January 2019 I finished my training to become a general practitioner in Berlin and returned to my home country.
In addition to serving to your needs as a general practitioner, my emphasis lies on acupuncture, mind-body medicine and aesthetic medicine.
01/2019 | Approval as a general practitioner by the Medical College of Berlin |
09/2005 – 07/2010 | Paracelsus Medcal University (Salzburg) Study visit at Duke University (NC, USA) Graduation 16th July 2010 |
09/1997 – 07/2005 | Secondary school BG/ BORG St. Johann in Tirol, Austria, graduation 07/2005 |
10/2019 | Yoga Teacher Training, medical Yoga |
03/2019 | Diploma for medical autogenic training |
10/2018 | Diploma for psychosomatic basic treatment |
04/2018 | Mesotherapy, German Society of Mesotherapy |
seit 2018 | Multiple retrainings per year in aesthetic medicine (fillers and botulinumtoxine type A) |
06/2015 | Diploma of acupuncture |
02/2015 | Training in microsurgery, Charité Berlin |
2013 & 2016 | Intern at the Children’s Surgical Centre (www.csc.org), Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
- Siorpaes K, Ismail M, Swierzy M, Neudecker J, Pratschke J, Rückert JC; „Roboter-assistierte minimal-invasive Thymektomie bei grossem Thymom“; Posterpräsentation bei dem 132. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, München 2015;
- Siorpaes K, Cakl T, Dietel M, Hangler H, Grimm M, Pierer G; “Sternales B-Zell Lymphom 3 Jahre nach Bentall OP - Ein seltener Fallberich”; Posterpräsentation bei der DGPRÄC, München, 2014;
- Siorpaes K, Terry M, Queen R, Angthong C, and Nunley J. “A Full-length Rigid Insert Does Not Reduce Loading Beneath the Metatarsals in Midfoot Arthritis Patients” AOFAS e-Poster Acceptance in Hollywood, FL, July 17-20, 2013
- Siorpaes K, Wenger A, Bloecker K, Wirth W, Hudelmaier M, Eckstein F. “Interobserver Variation of Quantitative Menicus Analysis Using Coronal MPR DESSwe and IW TSE MR Imaging” Magn Reson Med. 2012 May; 67 (5):1419-26